Your full-time fiduciary®.

Fee-only CFP® pros.
From Fort Collins, Colorado.

Our Firm

Financial Planning Fort Collins offers financial planning, investment management, and income tax preparation in one comprehensive service package. As an ensemble, we excel at guiding successful singles, couples, and families who want professional assistance with their finances. With over 30 years of combined experience, our Certified Financial Planner pros have the expertise to serve you.

Our Team

Jason Speciner, CFP®, EA

Director of Investment and Tax Planning, Founder

Regina Neenan - Headshot

Regina Neenan, CFP®

Director of Cash-Flow and Insurance Planning, Partner

Christin Hutchcraft

Operations Specialist, Member

Director of Investment and Tax Planning, Founder — Jason Speciner

Jason SpecinerJason Speciner is a Certified Financial Planner™ professional and an Enrolled Agent. Since 2004 he has served clients of all ages and backgrounds with unique experience working with members of generations X and Y.

As a Certified Financial Planner™ professional, Jason has met the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards’ rigorous initial and ongoing education, examination, experience, and ethics requirements. In practice, he must adhere to the principles of integrity, objectivity, competence, fairness, confidentiality, professionalism, and diligence when working with clients.

As an Enrolled Agent, Jason has demonstrated a special competence in tax matters and has been granted unrestricted rights to represent taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service. To maintain these rights he must adhere to specific ethical standards and stay current with tax law and regulations by completing a required amount of continuing education annually.

Jason graduated from Colorado State University with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, concentration in Finance, and a certificate in International Business. While attending CSU Jason was a member of the 2000 and 2002 Mountain West Conference champion football team.

In 2005, Jason met his wife Casey in Fort Collins. Casey and Jason were married in 2009 and share their home with their daughter, Shiloh, their twins, Hunter and Quentin, and their dog, Arthur Vandelay. Jason’s interests include technology, cooking, travel, and sports.

Director of Cash-Flow and Insurance Planning, Partner — Regina Neenan

Regina Neenan

Regina Neenan comes to Financial Planning Fort Collins with a history in marketing, a passion for customer service, and a lifelong interest in personal finance. A transplant from the driftless Midwest, the wide open spaces, foothills, and Rockies beyond called Regina to Fort Collins, where they now call home. Their mother, a former banker, and father, son of a city treasurer, inspired Regina’s love for finance, planning for the future — and balancing their checkbook the old-fashioned way.

Regina joined the FPFoCo team in August 2018 and has since obtained the Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) designation. Their responsibilities at Financial Planning Fort Collins include ensuring that each client receives a consistent and enjoyable experience throughout the financial planning process.

In their spare time, Regina enjoys cheering on the Green Bay Packers, homebrewing with their partner Zack, and cuddling their cat, Coco. Out and about, you’ll find Regina enjoying Fort Collins’ food and drink scene with friends, taking dance classes, volunteering, and just spending time outdoors.

Operations Specialist, Member — Christin Hutchcraft

Hello! I’m Christin Hutchcraft, and I joined the team at Financial Planning Fort Collins in July 2022.

My passion is in business development and helping both businesses and clients find success. Professionally, I have worked in numerous industries, including medical, retail, and the public sector, but always found myself happiest in a role that involved financials. I thrive on collecting data and making processes efficient but never lose sight of great customer service.

I graduated from Boise State University in 2006 with a bachelor of science in criminal justice administration. For a short time afterward, I worked for Idaho State Police in financial services, managing drug grants before relocating back home because of a business opportunity. My husband and I have been successful business owners now for over 14 years.

Some personal info …

I met my husband, Eric, in 2003, and we were married in 2009. We have a son, Ryan, who was born in 2017. I live in Eastern Washington and thoroughly enjoy the 300-plus days of sunshine we get! My son is just getting old enough to start sports, so each season usually brings something different — from soccer to basketball and baseball to swimming. When we have time, we enjoy boating, biking, golfing, and snowmobiling.

Learn about our services and process.
Critical Money Tips
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Critical Money Tips
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Critical Money Tips
Need some tips to help you tackle your next critical money moment? Stay in the loop with our weekly(ish) email!

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Critical Money Tips
Do you have a cash surplus? Learn more what to do with extra money in the free-preview of our Teachable course: Sudden Money and Windfalls.

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Critical Money Tips
Are you here because of a big change in your finances? Subscribe for our PDF on 6 questions to learn the benefits of working with a full-time fiduciary.

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Inheriting Money Can Be Overwhelming.
We have the expertise to be your guide as you navigate receiving a windfall.
Equity Compensation Can Be Confusing.
Let us make it less complicated for you. Whether it’s a one-time award or ongoing compensation, we know how to help.
Critical Money Tips
Need some tips to help you tackle your next critical money moment? Stay in the loop with our weekly(ish) email!

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Unless there is truly unique or extraordinary complexity associated with a client’s situation and financial circumstances, our ongoing fee will be based on the market value of the assets under management (AUM) for investment management services, subject to a minimum fee of $1,875 per quarter. The fee is blended and calculated using the following schedule. We do not require a minimum investment of any amount.
Assets Under Management Annual Fee
$0 - $1,000,000 0.75%
$1,000,000 - $5,000,000 0.50%
$5,000,000 and above 0.25%
Accumulators: Building Your Nest Egg
Our process helps those saving for their future with the following:
  • Cash-Flow Planning:
  • Estate Planning:
  • Insurance Planning:
  • Investment Planning:
  • Tax Prep & Planning:
  • Optimize your spending and savings.
  • Protect yourself and your loved ones.
  • Safeguard your earnings and assets.
  • Grow your wealth.
  • Get savvy with your strategy.
Ready to take the next step?
Retirees: Living Off of Your Nest Egg
Our process helps those nearing or in retirement with the following:
  • Cash-Flow Planning:
  • Estate Planning:
  • Insurance Planning:
  • Investment Planning:
  • Tax Prep & Planning:
  • Maintain your comfortable lifestyle.
  • Align your legacy with your intentions.
  • Protect your nest egg.
  • Don’t outlive your assets.
  • Never overpay the IRS.
Ready to take the next step?