Our Favorite Personal Finance Books and Podcasts

Books and Podcasts

Our Favorite Personal Finance Books and Podcasts

* This article was originally published on April 8, 2020. It has been updated for 2021.

You may notice that we’ve recommended some of these resources to you during your meetings or through FPFoCo Academy. Instead of searching through your inbox or clicking through your completed Academy modules, here’s a centralized list that dives into some of our favorite personal finance resources.! Many of these shape our financial planning philosophies, and we’re excited to share these resources with you. 

Book Recommendations

The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America’s Rich
By William D. Danko & Thomas J. Stanley

Identify if you have the behaviors conducive to building wealth. The authors share messages about living below your means, career paths, and how you can understand how others influence your behavior.

Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness
By Richard Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein

Thaler, a Nobel Prize winner in economics, explains the main principles of behavioral economics. His book illustrates his research to make people’s lives easier and also dabbles in some Homer Simpson references.

Happy Money: The Science of Happier Spending
By Elizabeth Dunn & Michael Norton

Did you know that money can buy happiness? The authors explain five proven ways people can spend their dollars to make them a little happier. 

Intentional Wealth: How Families Build Legacies of Stewardship & Financial Health
By Courtney Pullen

There are strategies to bridge communication with your family to proactively address family values and decisions in times of crisis. Don’t let money be taboo in your household.

The Behavior Gap: Simple Ways to Stop Doing Dumb Things with Money
By Carl Richards

Richards makes the complex simple with this short book. Make the complicated world of money a little easier to digest with action steps and knowledge to better yourself immediately after reading this book.

When She Makes More: 10 Rules for Breadwinning Women
By Farnoosh Torabi

Society is changing, and more women are earning higher incomes than their partners. This dynamic involves psychological quirks for both parties.

A Random Walk Down Wall Street: The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing
By Burton Malkiel

Build that compound interest early! This book influenced many of my investment philosophies and it’s a great read for novices as well as veterans.

The Financial Wisdom of Ebeneezer Scrooge: 5 Principles to Transform Your Relationship with Money
By Dr. Ted Klontz, Dr. Brad Klontz, and Rick Kahler

You don’t have to be a Scrooge to improve your financial life! The authors base their narrative around what shaped Ebeneezer’s unconscious money beliefs and how he overcame them to illustrate how you can better your relationship with money, too.

Podcast Recommendations

Life Kit: Money

Multiple series filled with helpful advice about many different subjects. This digestible content can motivate you to take action.

Favorite Episode: How to Ask For a Raise: Know Your Value (And Bring The Evidence)

The Indicator from Planet Money

The Planet Money team analyzes and explains why a number in the news matters. They address loads of economics and finance subjects to help you gain fresh perspectives.

Favorite Episode: PLEASE Sell me a home!

Choiceology with Katy Milkman

Enjoy short examples of how our psychology can trip us up as humans. These examples illustrate principles of behavioral finance so you can better understand – and manage – your own personal finances.

Favorite Episode: Fair is Fair

How I Built This with Guy Raz

Learn the journeys of entrepreneurs and movement-creators. Listening to these stories just might inspire you and give you a tremendous amount of respect for how these people persevered through adversity.

Favorite Episode: Spanx: Sara Blakely

Planet Money: The Economy Explained

Understanding the economy doesn’t have to be “blah blah blah.” These journalists make relevant topics fun to listen to so you can better understand the world.

Favorite Episode: We Buy A Superhero 1: Origins

Marketplace Morning Report

For a quick snapshot of the top business and financial news of the day as well as a 30-second market update, look no further — especially if you’re in a hurry. David Brancaccio wraps up these episodes in about 10 minutes or less.

Favorite Episode: Since this is a daily podcast, we don’t necessarily have a favorite. We suggest you give today’s episode a listen!

Note: If you’re more of a tech-minded person, you might also check out Marketplace Tech. It focuses on — you guessed it! — the biggest business and technology stories of the day, also in about 10 minutes or so. 

This Is Uncomfortable

Recently featured in the Apple Podcasts Spotlight and nominated for a Webby, This Is Uncomfortable takes on financial stories from real human perspectives. Part of the Marketplace family, it’s “a show about life and how money messes with it.” 

Favorite Episode: A Lifelong Scam

NerdWallet’s Smart Money Podcast

In this weekly podcast, hosts Sean and Liz focus on finance topics and answer questions from their listeners about money. From what to do with excess savings to tips for buying a home and saving on everyday purchases, this show offers advice from journalists that you may be able to use in your own life.

Favorite Episode: Saving at the pump and 401(k) limits

Bonus Podcast Recommendation 

The Way It Was: A Podpast Podcast

Learn about Fort Collins history from this charming newspaper reporter. Dive into stories that surround us every day so you can know more about our Colorado town.

Favorite Episode: Inside Old Town’s Famous Disneyland Tie

Happy reading and listening!

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Critical Money Tips
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Critical Money Tips
Do you have a cash surplus? Learn more what to do with extra money in the free-preview of our Teachable course: Sudden Money and Windfalls.

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Inheriting Money Can Be Overwhelming.
We have the expertise to be your guide as you navigate receiving a windfall.
Equity Compensation Can Be Confusing.
Let us make it less complicated for you. Whether it’s a one-time award or ongoing compensation, we know how to help.
Critical Money Tips
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Unless there is truly unique or extraordinary complexity associated with a client’s situation and financial circumstances, our ongoing fee will be based on the market value of the assets under management (AUM) for investment management services, subject to a minimum fee of $1,875 per quarter. The fee is blended and calculated using the following schedule. We do not require a minimum investment of any amount.
Assets Under Management Annual Fee
$0 - $1,000,000 0.75%
$1,000,000 - $5,000,000 0.50%
$5,000,000 and above 0.25%
Accumulators: Building Your Nest Egg
Our process helps those saving for their future with the following:
  • Cash-Flow Planning:
  • Estate Planning:
  • Insurance Planning:
  • Investment Planning:
  • Tax Prep & Planning:
  • Optimize your spending and savings.
  • Protect yourself and your loved ones.
  • Safeguard your earnings and assets.
  • Grow your wealth.
  • Get savvy with your strategy.
Ready to take the next step?
Retirees: Living Off of Your Nest Egg
Our process helps those nearing or in retirement with the following:
  • Cash-Flow Planning:
  • Estate Planning:
  • Insurance Planning:
  • Investment Planning:
  • Tax Prep & Planning:
  • Maintain your comfortable lifestyle.
  • Align your legacy with your intentions.
  • Protect your nest egg.
  • Don’t outlive your assets.
  • Never overpay the IRS.
Ready to take the next step?